CHOMPI is joining Chase Bliss!

We have a special announcement. 

CHOMPI Club – makers of the CHOMPI sampler – are joining our team.

Say hello to Tobias and Chelsea

It’s a long story, and we’ll tell you the whole thing soon. There’s a lot we can’t talk about just yet but it felt important to make this announcement now for a variety of reasons. Mainly because – if you go to CHOMPI Club’s website –  everything is sold out. This is why. We’re working on combining our worlds, and it will take a bit of time. 

But we didn’t want to keep it a secret any longer!

Here’s what we do know:

1. Nothing changes for now
All support (questions, repairs, etc.) are being handled by CHOMPI Club as usual, the Discord is still active, and CHOMPI Club are continuing to work on resources and ways to make the CHOMPI sampler even better.

Tobias being helpful probably

2. CHOMPI Club are here with us
If you own and love a CHOMPI, I realize this might seem a little scary. So I wanted to mention that Tobias and Chelsea – the friendly pair behind CHOMPI Club – are joining us here in Minneapolis. This isn’t the end of the CHOMPI Club, we’re just doing it together now.

Their dogs are here too

3.There will be more CHOMPI
We’re working on another run of the CHOMPI sampler, and it will have some firmware surprises (available for free to existing CHOMPI customers). These will be sold through our website like any other Chase Bliss device.

This run will be available later this year, though it’s too soon to say when exactly.

Tobias’s testing station

4. We’ll take over support soon
Once the next batch of CHOMPI goes up for sale, Chase Bliss will take over support of the device. This means CHOMPI owners will now have international support, and it will be faster and easier than ever to get help. This will apply to all existing and future CHOMPI owners.

In conclusion

We’re very excited about this. It’s a big one, but it also feels extremely natural.

You might have questions about all of this. We’ll have a lot more to share soon, but for now just shoot us an email about whatever is on your mind:

I hope you’re excited too. 

Thank you.